Friday 22 January 2010

Does Leicestershire Constabulary have something to hide?


Tinker Tailor Soldier, Spy

Does Leicestershire Constabulary have something to hide. The evidence suggests they do, for if were that their only intent was to advise and inform the McCanns, as we were led to believe it was, then perhaps they would have demonstrated a willingness to be seen by the public as a force for good. Non disclosure into the public realm and the withholding of all even the most mundane of detail concerning their handling and role in the McCannn case only indicates subtefuge and not the protocol of protecting the public good.

The actions of Leicestershire Constabulary as public servants engaged in such apparent devious tactics do not belie the ideal of accountability rather they choose to present themselves as something other entirely. Surely it is now time we were told the real nature and involvement of the Leicestershire Constabulary with the McCanns. More McCann Unravels
